Monday 15 September 2014

java - calling android method in unity -

I have 2 questions

1- Is it necessary for the method that we call on unity Are they being kept in main activity, or can we make any activity static and call the ceremony present in those activities? Apart from this I have read in different forums that you should change the manifest file and make your plugin activity main activity. Is it necessary to do this or can we call without doing this? 2- My second question is whether I want to call the Integration Function from the Android Application. Can I do this by importing the Integration Project in Android and then by calling the Integration Script function with Android Activity?

I have already successfully called the function in unity with Android. But in this I made the Android project a plugin. Now I want to reverse it, i.e. I want to create Ekta project plugin in eclipse.

Let me tell you that I am building a vuforia unity project like your one simple unity project.

your number For the 2nd question, the answer is just the call

  UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage ("GameObjectName1", "Nomenclature 1", "Message to send");   

Then type in the AC # function methodName1 ac # script and add the script to GameObjectName1.

Unityplayer class.jar has a square, this jar

(your unity established location): \ Editor \ Data \ PlaybackEngines \ androidplayer \ bin

please Import this jar to the first of its eclipse project. Hope this will be useful :)

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