Monday 15 June 2015

delphi - Shelltreeview getting path from node -

I am using a custom alert with onMouseMove and it is working properly, the problem is that string I am returning the complete path for I, what's the code for me here.

  Process TCermann.corelesstravwommosmov (sender: shift: shift: techftstate; x, y: integer); Var Tree: TsShellTreeView; Hover node: TTRIID; HitTest: Theaters; Start (sender is TsShellTreeView) then tree: = TsShellTreeView (sender) and exit; Haurnode: = tree Gatnodet (X, Y); HitTest: = Tree. GetHitTestInfoAt (X, Y); If (the last hintnode & lt;> hovernode) then the application will start. cancel; If (HitTest & lt; = [htOnItem, htOnIcon, htOnLabel, htOnStateIcon]) then start the last HintNode: = Hover node; FileToolPanel.Caption: = tree.path; //hovernode.Text; Tree Hint: = nodhient (hovernode); End; End; End;   

hovernode.text Returns the display name "temporary" instead of "c: \ temp", how can I recover the full path of the node when the node item is removed And not selected?

Thanks in advance.

You must convert from node to its related shell folder in which you can do this:

  var shellFolder: TShellFolder; Shellfolders: = trees. Folders [hovernode.inx];   

The Shell folder object is stored in the node's data property so that you can do it like this:

  shellFolder: = TShellFolder (hoverNode.Data);   

Once you have the shell folder, you can get full path with

  tree. Hint: = Shellfolder Pathname;    

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