Monday 15 June 2015

Using UiActionSheet in Storyboard? -

Keep me release a button ( "to open another UiView / Page") is required to make I I D Am I very new to anyone please let me run on this? . Thanks, you guys are a big help to me


  - (IBAction) OpenActionSheetButton: (id) This {UIActionSheet * actionsheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc ] InitWithTitle: @ "Not going back, are you sure ???" Representative: Cancel self tutanite: @ "Cancel" Destructive Button Title: @ "Continue" other button titles: zero, zero]; [Show Function View: self.view]; } - (void) actionSheet: (UIActionSheet *) actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex: (NSInteger) buttonIndex {if (buttonIndex == 0) {UIViewController * controller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "storyboardViewIdentifier"]; // Storiboarddrishyaidentifayr, you storyboard // Posh [Manufacturing Controller push ViewController: controller animated: YES] is specified view controller identifier; // Model [self present ViewController: animated controller: yes complete: zero]; }}   

What I did with your code it:

  - (IBAction) OpenActionSheetButton: (id) This {UIActionSheet * actionsheet = [ [UIActionSheet Alloc] initWithTitle: @ "No one is going back, are you sure ???" Representative: Cancel self tutanite: @ "Cancel" Destructive Button Title: @ "Continue" other button titles: zero, zero]; [Show Function View: self.view]; } - (zero) actionSheet: (UIActionSheet *) actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex: (NSInteger) buttonIndex {if (buttonIndex == 0) {if (buttonIndex == 0} [self performSegueWithIdentifier: @ "Openview" sender: self]; UIViewController * Controller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "storyboardViewIdentifier"]; // Storiboarddrishyaidentifayr, you storyboard // Posh [Manufacturing Controller push ViewController: controller animated: YES] is specified view controller identifier; // Model [self present ViewController: animated controller: yes complete: zero]; }   


Presented after

Why do not you show your next Segue to bring visual controller? Go to your storyboard and create a segue pointing to the new view controller. You have to create a model SEGU and give it a unique name.

To do this, add all necessary view controllers to your storyboard, then right-click on presenting the View Controller. Make a modal segue present

Inside your code, you can simply enter from:.

  if (buttonIndex == 0) [self performSegueWithIdentifier: @ "Openview" sender: self];   

Also easy to dismiss! [Self buffer model victory controlling permission: Yes];

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