Monday 15 June 2015

Rails::Rack:LogTailer and Unicorn -

I'm going from Uncut to Unicorn So far everything works and my test is passing, but I'm going through my terminal Can not find a useful log statement in. I have to do tail log / development.log to see it.

I read and was able to work by changing the logs to STDOT, but I want to have my development log file as well, I can do this later grep I am

How can I get Rail: :: Rack :: log log, can it be shown even after booting my server?

Maybe I do not need Rail :: Rack :: Log Tyler? I would not like to tail my log file after every request.

If it is relevant ... I am running Rail 3.2.13, Rack 1.4.5, and Unicorn 4.6.2.

- Edit -

I created my config / environment / development.rb

config.middleware.insert_after ( Rail :: Rack :: Wood, Rails :: Rack :: Log Tyler, "/log/development.log")

But it does not seem to have any effect.

fix is ​​very simple, delete leading "/".

Change:" /log/development.log "
To:" log / development.log "

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