I have a Winform application in C # and when I get it focused then I have to change a text box.
I tried this code:
Private zero text box1_Enter (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {SetKeyboardLayout (GetInputLanguageByName ("fa")); } Private Zero Text Box 1_Love (Object Sender, EventArgues E) {SetbackBenLayout (Gaitimton Language Byline ("IND")); } Public Static input language GetInputLanguageByName (string inputname) {foreach (Input language lang in input language. Languages installed languages) {if (lang.Culture.EnglishName.ToLower ().}} Return Null;} Private Zero SetKeyboardLayout (InputLanguage layout) {InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage = layout;} But when I enter a text box, the language does not change. What can I do? < P>
Things to check:
- Is "fa" an established language?
- Did you Move text box 1_enter and textbox1 to an event sent by Textbox 1?
- Did you run it through the debugger and checked the gateline language and it is said to be the correct language When the focus is achieved and is lost?
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