I am working on the graphic user interface for my application which I am making. Basically it is JTextField that the user has an integer, for example,
25, 50, 80, 90
Now, I have another class that receives those values And put them in a full array.
> I have tried the following.
GUIV = drop Theseextext.getText (). the division (","); And in the second category, I leave the string, but I do not know how to get the value for each.
Finally I'm just trying to find something like this
int [] vD = {textfieldvaluessplitbycommahere}; Still new to Java is quite new but it's crazy to me.
private JTextField txtValues = new JTextField ("25, 50, 80, 90" ); // Strike the whitespace using regex, because they are to throw errors / when string values = txtValues.getText (). All ("\\ s", ""); // Get the combined value of the text field and use the comma as the separator // Value will be given as string array Private string [] strValues = values.split (","); // Early Sir Array Private int [] intValues = new int [strValues.length ()]; // Convert each string value to integer value and for it integer array (int i = 0; i
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