Saturday 15 August 2015

java - JavaFX blocking sphinx4 application -

When I launch the javafx window and the sphinx application, I get some bugs, if I first run Sphinx and The program that launches the window does not record any command, only when I close the window, if I record the window for the first time, as if it usually blocks the window.

My window:

  public class escolha application extended {personal static final image FOTOPROXY = new image (Escolha.class.getResourceAsStream ("/ photo / proxy page")) ; Personal Static Last Font Corlen = Font Load font (Escolha.class.getResourceAsstream ("/ fontes / corleone.ttf"), 20); Public static zero main (string [] args) {launch (args); } @ Override Public Whose Start (Stage Primary Stage) throws an exception {init (primaryStage); (); } Public Zero Init (Final Stage Primary Stage) {//primaryStage.setScene (new view) (Edboda ()); Group root = new group (); PrimaryStage.setScene (new view (route); HBox hboxImagem = new HBox (); HboxImagem.setPadding (new instances (5, 5, 5, 25)); HboxImagem.setSpacing (10); HboxImagem.setStyle ("- fx-background-color: # b3ccff"); ImageView imagem = New ImageView (FOTOPROXY); Imagem.setFitHeight (200); Imagem.setFitWidth (550); . Adding HboxImagem.getChildren () (imagem); HBox hboxTexto = new HBox (); HboxTexto.setPadding (New Insets (15, 5, 15, 15)); HboxTexto.setSpacing (10); HboxTexto.setTranslateY (210); HboxTexto.setStyle ("-fx-border-style: solid;" + "-fx-border-width: 4;" + -fx-border-color: # 99b3ff "); HBox hboxBotoes = New HBox (); HboxBotoes SetPadding (New Ints (35, 1, 1, -20)); hboxBotoes.setSpacing (10); Text Techno = New Text ("There are any proxy proxies, which executes Olivia, \ n" "Controls can configure controls?"); Texto.setFont (Corleone); Eventhandler & LT; ActionEvent & gt; VaiSim = New Event Handler & lt; Action Event & gt; () {@ Override Public Video Handle (Action Event Event ) {Configure Cao Con Ginger Process ();}}; Button Sim = New Button ("SIM"); Sim.setStyle ("- Fx-Base: # Be 3 CCFF"); sim.setOnAction (vaiSim); Eventhandler & LT; ActionEvent & gt; ; VaiNao = New Event Handler & lt; Activity & gt; () {@ Override Public Wide Handle (Action Event Event) {HelloWald.Recdivos ();}}; Button Now = New Button ("NAO"); Nao.setStyle "- Fx-Base: # B3CCFF"); nao.setOnAction (vaiNao); HboxBotoes.get Childland (.) AddAll (SIM, Now); HboxTexto.get Childland (). AddAll (Texaco, Hobsbots); Root.get Children () AddAll (hboxImagem, hboxTexto); }   

Access to your microphone is limited to a single application. The URO Jawfx is also reaching the microphone, such as line HelloWorld.RecDeVoz ();

If you want to use Sphinx4 in your application, you will most likely be able to integrate it: link to the app, create sphinx jar, and then validate Start.

If you are trying to identify offline recognition (from recorded audio files), then you should change the Sphinx configuration to use the file source. A microphone, in the form of input.

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