Saturday 15 August 2015

SQL Distict Count from mulitple columns in multiple database -

Here's what I've done so far:

  SELECT p2.fullname [UploadedBy] , P. Verlenin [Uploaded] Excludes Deutsche Exchange D (NOLOCK) becomes included in R.File_ID in Exchange Expiration R. DIDs may also be included on these. PPLIP = PID can also be included in PL on PDP d.upload_by_id = where upload_date & gt; This question gives about 8000 results for returns - if I give  DISTINCT  in my  SELECT  statement which gives it about 900 results - I get those 900 results , But I need one more column which tells me how many of these results were shown in the database.  

I have tried to:

 select  p2.fullname, p.fullname, COUNT (DISTINCT p2.fullname + p.fullname)  < / Pre> 

but it returns an error: The column 'people.fullname' is invalid in the selection list because it is not contained in an entire work or group by volume.

You want a group :

 In the form of the  SELECT p2.fullname [UploadedBy], p.fullname [UploadedTo], counting from countcexchange d (NOLOCK) (*) R.file_id = in relation to RSS joining People added to PR at p.people_id = = on upload_date & gt; P2.fullname, p.fullname     by group '2013-05-21'

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