Wednesday 15 September 2010

Talend tFileOutputdelimited component - problems with the split .csv files -

I have not given any luck to my fortune on the Lolland forum, so I will try here too.

I have a job that is reading a large table and then writing data in .csv files in an increase of 25,000 rows. All I have noticed, all created after the first CCV file. In the CCV files, all the data has been loaded in one line of the CSSV file, in which the data loaded in 25000 rows (as I want it).

Is there a setting that needs to be set to the tFileOutputDelimited component, which allows rows in all the subsequent .csv files, because they are first (and 'good'). Loading in CCV file? I am thinking that the 'advance settings' tab could be due to the 'escape four' value used but I am not sure.

On the 'Basic Settings' tab of the TFileOutputDelimited component, the CSV ROW separator value is CRLF ("\ r \ n") and the field separator is ",". On the component's 'Advanced Settings' tab, the escape value is "" "and the value of the text attachment is also".

In addition, it is being run in Windows 7 environment

Unfortunately, the document I found for the 'Advance Settings' tab of the tFileOutputDelimited component is lacking in relation to CSV options

is an example of what is being given below. Looks good but follow all the files line breaks Do not break and put all the rows on one line vs individual lines.

File # 1

Header line line 1 line 2 line 3 ... line 25000

File # 2 ...

Header rowrow1row2 ... row25000

File # 3 ...

Header rowrow1row2 ... row25000

If you want more details, please let me know and I will send them properly. Thank you very much.

Understand as it sounds in my initial post Khit, CSV crying separator was set to Siarelf ( "\ r \ n") option. I changed it to LF ("\ n") and addressed that problem. I have noticed that the Java code has been generated and it has been seen that it was not taking the CRF ("\ r \ n") as one of the default options - only \ n and \ r it has given me \ n option Told in the direction of trying.

1 comment:

  1. Giuseppe: Talend Tfileoutputdelimited Component - Problems With The Split .Csv
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