I understand that the closure lists and vectors are mostly interchangeable and work as a sequence of order using one or the other The lack of need to bid in Then why fail, while < / P> is successful? This is an artwork of how a map has been implemented. The map is conceptually written by many codes in the It is a proper matter to give distractions to this special treatment, because they are convenient features for representing map entry written words in the code. You can write stuff: conj or in the case of a vector.
({} in () ((1 2 (3) 4)
(in {} '([1 2] [3 4]))
Java.util.Map.Entry . It is that special case code for treating length 2 vectors in a map entry (in epicestiastemapacans) But not for lists.
(conj {} [: a 1]) => {: 1}
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