Thursday 15 September 2011

android - ActionBar under notification/title bar -

There is a problem with the actionbars in my app; In some scenarios, action-time notifications / title bars appear to be "under" it is always reputable and I can not understand why this is happening. I use the ZXING app with intents to scan barcodes and return them to my app, and this problem occurs at some point during this process.

I thought it would be best to show you problems with pictures.

1: App home screen, all is normal.

App home screen, no problem

2: one Use the menu item to scan the barcode. It is expected.

Product Scan ...

3: Scan Items The product page appears normal for If I click on 'Cancel' ...

product page, is still normal . ...

4: The actionbars have now gone under the notification / title bar.

The home screen now shows the actionbar under the notification / title bar

Only other mentions of this bug (which I can find) in this Geethabad issue is ActionBarSherlock (which I am using):

I have checked and mentioned Jake as I configChanges I'm not odd with anything.

This problem is seen on my 4.2.2 device, I am unable to test unfortunately on a pre-ICS device.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!

I think that when you come back from the Xsing screen it is not being reset. In your activity for "BEST BEFORE", try resetting the window flag just like a fullscreen:

  @override resume at protected zero () {super.onResume (); //getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); . GetWindow () clearFlags (WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); SetSystemUiVisibility (see, SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE / * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE = 0 * /); } Private static zero set system UIVility (last activity activity, final integer new value) {If (activity.getWindow ()! = Null) {see v = activity.getWindow (). GetDecorView (); If (v! = Null) {try {method method} SystemUvility = v.getClass (). GetMethod ("setSystemUiVisibility", int.class); MethodSetSystemUIVisibility.invoke (v, newValue); } Hold (exception notch) {}}}}    

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