Thursday 15 September 2011

javascript - Angular.module minification bug -

Microfinance is not working, from the worst time to try to understand it

I have an array of my providers working before many suggestions on the web and still "unknown provider: aProvider"

regular: < Pre> var app = angular module ('BPWAP', ['UI. Bootstrap', 'UI', 'miteab']). Config (['$ route provider', '$ location provider', function ($ route provider, $ location provider) {$ routeProvider. '/', {TemplateUrl: 'partial / home.jade', controller: homecatal}); $ LocationProvider.html5Mode (true);}])

Minified: <(['$ RouteProvider', '$ locationProvider', function (A, API, API) b ) (A) when ('/', {templateUrl: 'partial / home.jade', controller: homecatal}); B.html5Mode (true);}])

Any suggestions will be very bound!

I went into this problem before the Grunt.js plugin.

Which I believe that runs the regex function on "like stars" and minifys them.

For example:

  Angular. Modules ("Imgur", ["Imgur. Global", "Imgur.lbaum"]);   

will be:

  Angular. Module ("one", ["", "a.album"]);   

Disable it - this feature does not play well with the console.


@JoshDavidMiller to be more accurate stating:

Eugeliff mangle Mars, just like the variable, which is actually This causes angulia problems in the same, the problem is in injection and there is no definition.

The function MyCtrl ($ scope, myService) will be disturbing on the function myCtrl (a, b) , but the service definition inside a string is required Running uglify before resolving this problem resolves this problem

  • ng-min can not be changed at any time.

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