I am trying to change the height of a UITextView that is in a custom created cell for my table view.
'Overview Cell' is an identifier for this custom cell in a Nibbet and the UITextview 'Post Indent' has been dragged into the nib.
Unfortunately, not enough height is changing, only when I change the height of the scroll. The cells that are visible without scrolling are only the default height of the nibb.
When I try to change the height of the 'post image' then the problem is the same.
This is my code:
- (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForOutPath: (NSIndexPath *) Index Path {Fixed NSString * CellIdentifier = @ " Observes "; Observation cell * cell = [self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: cellindex for indexPath: indexpath]; Post * Post = [self.posts objectAtIndex: [index line]]; If (! Cell) {NSArray * topLevelObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed: @ "overview" owner: zero option: zero]; (Id currentObject in topLevelObjects) {if ([currentObject isKindOfClass: [OverviewCell class]]) {cell = (observation *) currentObject; break; }}} [[Cell Post Image] Set Image: [UIImage imageWithData: post.image]]; [[Cell postetal] set test: post title]; [[Cell posttranslation] set text: post.interro]; // Change the size of the intro text so that the text fits. Cgtt frame = cell Postmusic.fr; Frame.edame.height = 20; //cell.postIntro.contentSize.height; [Cellpostintro setframe: frame]; NSLog ([NSString stringWithFormat: @ "the height of the text is set to% F on the% i indexpoint; index.path.row, cell.postImage.frame.size.height]); Return cell; } Any other suggestions in my code are welcome ...
I am finally working on it by changing the UITextview barrier in the code.
I have created and IBOutlet that is linked to the UITActewviewview barrier.
IBotlet NSLayt Consultant * Post Contact High Consultant; Then I set the height of the obligation to the specified height for the cell ( contentSize ). Self PostContentHeightConstraint.constant = self.postContent.contentSize.height; After setting the new height to the barrier, call the Layout IIFNeeded function on UITextView
[self.postContent layoutIfNeeded];
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