Thursday 15 August 2013

java - Setting DateTime to Certain Value -

I am using joda to compare an array of stars. My goal is to go through the array and see what the dates are missing. I am planning to complete this by specifying the first variable in the array for a DateTime variable, then the array and date time to calculate. If the date time is equal to array [x] , then both the datetime and the array increases by one if not the date time array (Which means that a date is missing) DateTime will increase by one and as long as date time is equal to array [x] . At the moment, I'm just trying to get it so that the first date (on holder [2]) is the value of the date before the date date.

My question is how do I create it so that I can assign date first date to holder [2] ? Assigning an holder [2] to first date is returning an error.

  DateTime first date = new date (time); DateTime Formator DTF = DateTime FormatPartin ("YEMEMMDD"); String date = dtf.print (first date); String fake; While ((Fake = Reader. Readline ()) = Faucet {String [] Holder = Fake Split (""); First Data = Holder [2]; // ****** Problem ****** System.out.printlain (first paid); }   

Important things about my code:

  1. I am using a BufferedReader (20 GB) then I am reading from the line text file line (and the date of each line is holder [2] )

  2. The format of the date on the text file is in yyyymmdd and I want to compare that string with the string of the DateTime (This is the first thing I need to do is change its first value Dat Array for eTime which forms my question).

  3. I have set the right set at the right time

    If you have a holder [2] , the date format is represented by the string "yyyyMMDD", then you need to define the formatter that you define Do:

      firstDate = dtf.parseDateTime (holder [2]);    

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