Sunday 15 June 2014

eclipse override method error on java 6, compiler 1.6 -

Whenever I try to override a super class method, then the eclipse is causing the error even Common codes are giving errors, this is the first category

  public class first {private zero math () {}}   

This is the extension of another category

  second highest of second class {@Override public void meth () {}}   

and gives eclipse error "method of type meth () Override second The method should be applied to a supertype or "1 quick fix is ​​available - Remove '@ override' annotation" I have already set compiler compliance level to 1.6. < P>

1) You can not override personalize methods.

2) As soon as the eclipse / compiler sees the @override description, the relevant protected (or) public method in the Super Class, which is not there, is the reason why the compiler Error.

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