Tuesday 15 July 2014

jquery - multiple jqgrid in one page -

I have two jqgrid in one page but my problem is when I add the first grid button, the first line editing mode It's okay to come in, but when I click the button next to the first line of the 2nd grid in the second button of the second grid edit mode, then thanks in advance of any solution

  var grid1 = New JQGrid (name: "ReceiptdetGrid", LoadUrl: "/ Receipt / GetGridData", column: New list of & lt; JQGridColumn & gt; () {new JQGridColumn (name: "I D "," Color ", Data Type:" String ", IsSortable: False, IsFixed: True, Pseudo: True, Width:" 0% "), New Jewish Grid Column (Name:" Snow ", Call Header:" S .anko. "datatype" string ", Aisrtebl wrong, width:" 10% ", Hafiksr truth, Airisijhः true, hidden: wrong), new Jekyugreed columns (name:" Hednem "Colhader" Head ", datatype:" string ", isertable: true, isfix: true, irisius: true, width: 45%", isEditable: true, editType: "select", item: (see data ["headlist"] As Uchi & lt; SelectListItem & gt;), on the change: "Selectheadchange"), new JQGridColumn (name: "money", ColHeader: "sum" data type "string", EditType: "Text", Width: "45%", IsSortable : false, onkeyup: "CalculateTotalAmmount", IsFixed: true, IsResize: true hidden: false, IsEditable: true),}, IsPaging: true, PageSize: "8", EditUrl: "/ receipt / KeepGridData "DeleteUrl:" / receipt / DeleteGridData ", IsSortable: true, FooterRow: true, ShowEmptyRows: true, EditType: JQGridEditType.Inline, IsEdit: true, IsDelete: true, isInsert: true, width:" 900 ", Height: "200"); @ Grid1.GetHtml (); } New jqgrid (name: "instru", LoadUrl: "/ receipt / gategridadata", column: new list & quot;   

2 jqgrid

  lt; JQGridColumn & gt; () {new JQGridColumn (name: "ID1", ColHeader: "ID1", data type: "string", IsSortable: false, IsFixed: true, IsResize: true hidden: true , "Junk", width: "0%"), New JQGridColumn (name: "type", ColHeader: "type", datatype: "string", IsSortable: wrong, width: "10%", IsFixed: true, IsResize: true, hidden : False), new JQGridColumn (name: "headname", callheader: "head", datatype: "string", isothermal: true, ISFix: true, iris True, Width: "45%", is presentable: True, edit type: "Select", item: ("headlist" as "ViewList" from list [selectListItem>]), OnChange: "SelectheadChange" Edit: "45%", "" "," 8 / ", Edit:" New "," New "," New "," New "," Junk " / receipt / Rkengriddeta "," e-mail "," Aisoaf "DeleteUrl:" / receipt / D eleteGridData ", IsSortable: true, FooterRow: true, ShowEmptyRows: true, EditType: JQGridEditType.Inline, IsEdit: true , IsDelete: true, IsInsert: true, width: "900", height: "200"); @ Grid2.GetHtml (); }   

When I add a button of 1 grid, I will come in, but when I add the second grid button, the second row does not fall into the first line of the first grid. Thanks in advance

I'm not sure how you're managing everything on back end, but It seems that you are killing the URL in both grids:


  LoadUrl: "/ receipt / gategriddata"   < P> Edit:  <  


  DeleteUrl: "/ Receipt / Deleted Graddata"   < Code> edit url: "/ receipt / pre> 

So unless I'm wrong, you've basically created two grids that can use the same interface on their data. Depending on how the previous page is loading, editing and deleting incoming requests from these two grids.

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