Monday 15 September 2014

ruby on rails - How do I write a script to call a REST API? -

I want to write a script which calls the REST API just like a URL such as:

  Http: // localhost: 3000 / api / v1 / user / xyz   

If I open this URL in the browser, then it asks for a user email and password Once authenticated, it returns a JSON response with a User ID. I do not know how I should authenticate through the script. Can anyone suggest me?

This is what I started:

  'rubygems' is required 'net / http' requires 'json' api_url = "http: / / LocalHost: 3000 / API / V1 / User / XIZ "reserve = net :: HTTP.get_response ( (API_RR)) data = JSN PRS (Response.Obs) field = data. Adds the data, data puts data .keys   

This is the authentication for the API:

  before_filter: Authorize, except = & gt; [: Key] certify private def authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do | Username, password | User = User.find_by_email (user name) if user & amp; Amp; User.valid_password? (Password) sign_in: user, user end and end   

How can I pass an email and password to prove this API so that I can get an "id" return ?

Works best for me as far as the APIs that should be in the documentation. You can always try in the IRB and see what is involved in the reaction.

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