Monday 15 June 2015

css - @font-face not working for my ttf font in all browsers -

I have used ttf font for my website using @ font-face < Pre> @ font-faces {font-family: myFirstFont; Src: url ('tamil.ttf'); } .tlan {font-family: myFirstFont; Color: # 039; }

tamil.ttf is not an english language font. I am not able to solve this problem ..

Follow this link, about this @ font-face problem for all my things.

I am attaching the word document with my font.

  try this: @ font-face essential brick, woff, svg, font format. @ Font-face {font-family: "Tamil"; Src: url ("tamil.eot") format ('embedded-opentype'), / * edit correction on this line * / url ('tamil.woff') format ('woff'), url ('tamil.ttf' ) Format ('True Type'), URL ('TamilVig #') format ('SVG'); font-weight: bold; Font-style: normal; } Or & lt; FilesMatch "\. (Ttf | otf | eot) $" & gt; & Lt; IfModule mod_headers.c & gt; Header has access-control-permission-origin "*" & lt; / IfModule & gt; & Lt; / FilesMatch & gt; `  

and I'm sure that if you want to create a @FontFace Kit on this site

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