I am working with Muppet 2.7.19 with factor 1.6.0 on SUS 11 Linux machine. The How is the An alternative solution is to set the factor variable globally (say in / etc / profile): Is this a better / cleaner to get set The way? There was an approach here. Create a module inside your puppet tree, call it at then Now assuming that you have / when Santa's. When "Ubuntu" "Debian" when "FreeBSD", "Freeshed" "Darwin" "OSX" is enabled on your puppet nodes, your custom facts should be automatically propagated and sent to you Depending on the establishment of your environment, you can also use your facts: $ :: OSFamily factor variable is unset, though it has the
$ :: operating system fact set:
$ puppet apply - e ' Notify: "$ :: OS: / OS :: Operative System"}:} 'Notice: / SLS
$ :: OSFamily fact set is a puppet? I think it will be solved by upgrading to later versions of puppets, but it is difficult to upgrade on this Suse distribution.
$ export FACTER_OSFAMILY = $ $ / usr / bin / puppet Apply -E 'Notify {"$ :: osfamily / $ :: operating system}":' Notice: sauce / sls / code>
my_facts (for example).
my_osfamily.rb (fact) file to
module / my_facts / lib / facter / my_osfamily.rb
Facter.add ("my_osfamily") set code two os = Facter.value ('operatingsystem') Case OS
$: : My_osfamily should be able to use the facts as per the requirement.
# Factor-P | Grep my_osfamily
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