Monday 15 June 2015

java - Why do I get this error: "This feature (Digital Goods) is not supported."? -

I'm trying to use PayPal's adaptive payment APIs with digital goods, but when I'm on PayPal's site If I am redirected then I get the error above for confirmation. I call the pay function using my Java SDK, get a success message with pay-keys and redirect the user to confirmation, but I always get this message. Anyone know why?

You can use this script to see this happening:

  #! / Bin / bash USERID = "" PASSWORD = "" signature = "" APPID = "APP-80W284485P519543T" RECEIVER = "" AMOUNT = "100.00" CANCELURL = "" Return URL = "" RESULT = $ (Curl -S - Insecure-H "X-PayPal-Security- USERID: $ USERID" -H "X-PayPal-Security-Password: $ Password" -H "X-Paypal-Security: Signature: $ signature" -H "X-PayPal-Request-Data-Format: NV" -H "X-PayPal-Reply-Data-Format: JSON" -H "x-PayPal -Application-ID: $ APIID "https: // svcs D "requestEnvelope.errorLanguage = en_US and action type = pay and receiver list. Receiver (0) .email = $ receiver and receiver list. Receiver (0). Amount = $ AMOUNT and memo = parallel payment for example. & Amp; Cancel = URL = $ CANCELURL & amp; returnover = $ RETURNURL; ") $ RESULT echo   

After getting the key, copy it and go to this url:

Thank you!

I got the error because I was redirecting the user to the URL. Must be:

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