Wednesday 15 September 2010

joomla 3 - aliases makes it impossible to connect the CSS -

While I am running between pages, CSS is not at all in some pages It has been found that the nickname of pages ( For example "cm3") is added to the beginning of the css link tag.

After removing the prefix of the link in FireBug, it works fine and beautiful. / P>

My question is: How do I remove this prefix from the link tag of any component of the page in CMS? What is the process in the admin system that can eliminate this problem?

For example:

should be the correct tag:


And not so much:


This way something should look like to escape ...

  $ doc = JFactory :: getDocument (); $ Doctor & gt; AddStyleSheet ('templates /'.$ this-> template' / css / template.css');   


  & lt; Link Type = "Text / CSS" href = "& lt;? = $ This- & gt; Asural? & Gt; / Templates / & lt;? = $ This- & gt; Template? & Gt; / css / template .css "rel =" stylesheet "& gt;   

Understand & lt ;? = $ Variable? & Gt; & lt; Php echo $ variable; Is equivalent to; ? & Gt; or & lt ;? Php print ($ variable)? & Gt; . Just wanted to use it or use PHP Shorthands to use it.

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