Sunday 15 March 2015 mvc 4 - Entity Framework data provider not found, entityclient -

First of all, I have found many questions and many answers are related or considered as my problem, although anything Not working for me.

I have a new templated MVC4 website, which is a new database in installing a new SQL Server 2008 R2. I ran the aspnet_regsql database and made all the tables I made. AMMM model which generated connectionstring in my web.config

  & lt; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; Add name = "testEntities" connectionString = "metadata = re: //*/Models.Test.csdl | res: //*/Models.Test.ssdl | res: //*/Models.Test.MSL; provider = System.Data.SqlClient; Provider Connection String = & amp; quot; Data Source = WEBSRV \ SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = Test; Continue Security Information = True; User ID = Test; Password = Test # 1337; Multiple Activism = True; App = EntityFramework & amp; quot; "Provider Name =" System.Data.EntityClient "/> & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt;   

Creating a website gives me an error Unable to find the requested net framework data provider, it can not be installed.

None of my machine.Cong stopped The same issue happens if I run the website locally. I have not installed any NuGet package in the Visual Studio Web Host or on the IIS of my webserver

Why did I get this error?

OK, I detected this problem.

You can not use that connection string more than ADMX connection. The way I have this web In config, the website uses the same connection string for the membership item, which is not compatible with the system. Data Anti-client providers and systems in my case are needed. Add data.Sqlclient to the second connection string, reduce the unit framework in it and the web. All errors referenced by the membership provider features in the configuration are removed and allow the page to render and request the goods from SQL Server.

Nightmare can come back to work on my website. O /

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