Sunday 15 March 2015

ruby on rails - How to run seed.rb file on Amazon ec2 -

Recently I hosted my ruby ​​on the railway app on Amazon EC2. Everything works fine except for my seeds. RB file My seeds rb file has not been executed at the time of hosting. I am also using and I define the first administrator on my seeds. RB file

How can I make Rail Console the first Admission user on admin? Is there any way to open Rail Console on Amazon EC2? I am trying to do this to use putty, but how does it know? Please give me some pointers ..

You have an Amazon instance (which I think needs to make a keypair to access you already have it). Ensure that SSH access is enabled in the currently selected security group.

You can connect to an Amazon example using

ssh -i path / to / ec2.

Then the CD and run in the app directory bundle command rake db: seed RAILS_ENV = 'staging' Assuming that you are running an app in the staging environment.

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