Sunday 15 March 2015

volume slider in windows phone 8 -

I am creating Volume Slider from my music player for Window 8, but throwing an exception by saying:

'System.ArgumentException' was done on but the user code

was not in my code: < Pre> & lt; Slider X: name = "volume slider" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "18,563,0,0" vertical alignment = "top" width = "245" = "0.467, -0.833" value changed = "changed media volume" /> ;


  // Change the volume of the media Private Zero ChangeMediaVolume (Object Sender, RoutingProperty Changed Event Events> Double & gt; Args) {{ BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Volume = (Double) VolumeSlider.Value; }} Zero initializePropertyValues ​​() {BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Volume = (Double) VolumeSlider.Value; }    

You do not set the extent of the slider. The default limit is 0 to 10, however, BackgroundAutoPlayer.Instance.Volume requires a value between 0 and 1, the default value is 0.85, as you can read

Use it

  & lt; Slider x: name = "volume slider" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "18,563,0,0" vertical alignment = "top" width = "245" rendertransform = "0.467, -0.833" max = "1" value changed = " ChangeMediaVolume "/>   

And maybe you have SmallChange = "0.01" and LargeChange = "0.1"

Want to set up? Hope this helps

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