Sunday 15 March 2015

c++ - Moving a lua table in C api -

I am trying to move the table into another table using the LuaC API. For example, I have a table with this structure:

  a [b] [c] [d] [e] = value   

I want to move the table to be below Table [B], which I can complete in Lua:

  a [b] [d] = a [b] [c] ] [D] a [b [c] [d] = zero   

My current approach is to load a [B] [C] [D] table pile, so the stack Looks like:

  index value -1 d table-2c table-3b table-4 one table   

then Load a [B] on the stack, so it looks like:

  index value -1 B table-2 one table-3d table-4c table-5b table-6 Then put the table on the pile, and the key of the insert D and table B is table B, so the stack is:  
  index Value-1d table-2d key-3b table-4 one table -5c table -6b table-7 one table   

Then I have the lua_settable (L, -3) B to use [d] = D.

This approach works for non-table keys, but for those who are in the table, fails for them, then something like this will fail:

  a [B] [c] [{}] [d] = value a [b] = a [b] [c] [[} [d]   

note, I know that In the above it will fail in Lea given above because the key will be a new Lea table, I want to make it clear.

I have tried to leave the parents of the table (without any such fate) [B] = B, Lava_System Global (L, A)) Does anyone know where I am wrong Am I

EDIT: How to push keys / values ​​on the stack I have a small code snippet on it here to move a target table from one table structure to another (or as it is in the code)


The issue was that there was some metatable function in the table that would prevent the change in the table (briefly) In, the person who created the script was a config table where no The composition was important, thus causing this problem.)

If I understand your description correctly So what does this Lua code want for you:

  local ab = a [b]] al [d], ab [c] [d] = ab [c] [d ],   

To apply in LuaC API, this machine is helpful with translation:

  enum {lc_nformalargs = 0}; Const int lc_nactualargs = lua_gettop (L); Const int lc_nextra = (lc_nactualargs - lc_nformalargs); / * Local AB = A [B] * / lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "A"); Lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "B"); Lua_gettable (L, -2); Lua_remove (L, -2); Emphasis (lua_gettop (L) - lc_nextra == 1); / * Ab [d], ab [c] [d] = ab [c] [d], zero * / lua_getfield (l, lu_neviron idx, "c"); Lua_gettable (L, (1+ LC_extractor)); Lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "D"); Lua_gettable (L, -2); Lua_remove (L, -2); Lua_pushnil (l); Lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "C"); Lua_gettable (L, (1+ LC_extractor)); Lua_insert (L, -2); Lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "D"); Lua_insert (L, -2); Lua_settable (L, -3); Lua_pop (L, 1); Lua_getfield (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, "D"); Lua_insert (L, -2); Lua_settable (L, (1+ LC_extractor)); Emphasis (lua_gettop (L) - lc_nextra == 1); Return 0;   

I have yet to develop a readable way of writing stack operations.

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