Sunday 15 March 2015

jsf 2 - Edit word documents with JSF RichFaces rich:editor? -

I have rich in JSF Richface: the editor is running and I am able to upload and open documents or just send them to the editor I can stream in The point is that .doc or docx or other rich text documents will show a lot of things, which are not visible in the actual document, when I open it with Office, and the only form that I can actually get I get it from an HTML file

My questions are:

Is there a way to open documents online and have they edited like Google Docs?

Is there any way to recharge Richfas: Do I have to do the editor component to do that?

Note: If I copy and paste from .doc, its work is fine, but here you will have to get it from streaming

You have to convert DOC (HTML) into HTML for editing originally and after saving, HTML DOC (X) is what Google Docs originally did. Used to be.

Your next question might be the most, "How do I change from DOC (X) to HTML and back?". You can use it for others, or alternatively, like a library on top of it, you can parse DOC (X) itself with the help of low level API and then based on the information gathered in the Java object Can generate the desired HTML

No, it's not trivial to act. You need to have a good understanding of the DOC format (this question alone already shows that you do not have it) and limits during the conversion phase I personally recommend using Google Docs only.

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