Sunday 15 March 2015

qt - How to build Quazip 0.5.1 on Windows 7? -

I was trying to create quiz library (version 0.5.1) on Windows 7 (32-bit) with QT 5.0 I am.12-beat LGPL installed.

When I run in QT-command prompt:

  Qmeak Mingwaw 32-made   

with the folder in which I Quazip ( C: \ Qt \ quazip-0.5.1 \ quazip) was set on that directory removed, I get the following error log:

  c: \ qt \ quazip -0.5.1 \ Quazip> mingw32-make mingw32-make -f makefile. Release mingw32-make [1]: Enter the directory 'C: /Qt/quazip-0.5.1/quazip' g ++ -wl, -s -shared - Mthreads -Wl, - out-implib, release \ libquazip .a -o release \ qua zip.dll object_cript.quasip Release -elsi: \ Qt \ qt 5.0.1 \ mingw47_32 \ lib -lQt5Core ./release\unzip .o: unzip.c :(. Text + 0x1008): `crc32 'undefined reference to ./release\unzip.o : Unzip.c :( .text + 0x10aa): Undefined reference to `inflate './release\unzip .o: unzip.c :(. Text + 0x10da): Undefined reference to' crc32 './release\unzip .o: unzip.c :(. Text + 0x1110): Undefined reference to `crc32 './relea Se \ unzip.o: unzip.c :(. Text + 0x1327): Undefined context for` fulaway' ./ the release \ unzip.o: unzip.c :( .text + 0x1727): reference undefined for 'get_crc_table' ./ release \ unzip.o: unzip.c :(. text + 0xl86f): `footage Inter 2_ ' Ltd Undefined context ./release\zip.o:zip.c :( .text + 0xac7): Undefined context for `Crack 32 './ release \ zip.o: zip.c :(. Text + 0xb7c):` Deflate Undefined reference to ./release\zip.o:zip.c :( .text + 0xcdf): Undefined reference to `deflate './ release \ zip.o: zip.c :(. Text + 0xef5): Undefined reference to `deflateEnd './release\zip.o:zip.c:(.text+0x13a8): Undefined context for' get_crc_table './ release \ zip.o: zip.c :(. Text + 0x1af9): 'deflateInit2_ ./release\quaadler32.o:quaadler32.cpp undefined reference to' :(. Test + 0x2e): 'Adele undefined reference /release\quaadler32.o:quaadler32.cpp to R32': (text + 0x61): `Adlero ./release\quaadler32.o:quaadler32.cpp undefined reference to the 32 ':(. text + 0x11):' Adele r32 undefined reference 'K/release\quaadler32ko:quaadler32. Cpp :(. Text + 0xb1): Undefined reference `Adle r32 'c: / qt / qt5 / tools / mingw / bin /../ lib / gcc / i686-w64-mingw32 / 4.7.2 /... .. /../ i / 686-w64 - Mingw32 / bin / ld.exe: ./release\quaadler32.o: `bad reloc section address 0x0 'Rdata $ _ZTI13QuaChecksum32 [__ ZTI13QuaChecksum32]' collect2.exe: error: ld 1 Get out of The situation has been made Makefile. Release: 106: The recipe for target 'release \ quazip.dll' failed mingw32-make [1]: *** [release \ quazip Dll] error 1 mingw32-make [1]: The directory ' C: /Qt/quazip-0.5.1/quazip 'except Messiefile: 34: The recipe failed for' release 'mingw32-make: *** [Release] Error 2   

But in my Zlib-folder (C: \ QT \ QT5 \ 5.0.1 \ Src \ qtbase \ src \ 3rdparty \ zlib) all these listed files are installed.


As I tried to solve this problem, I have added in and in quazip.pri:

  include + = $$ [QT_INSTALL_PREFIX ] / Src / 3rdparty / zlib   

, how it is suggested.

So far I have found that not all solutuons present on Google are helping.

I hope someone of you can help me out.

Greetings, LVR

The problem is that the QuaZIP zlib library can not be found . When you run Kashmir, you should include the path of the header in one of the libraries:

  qmake "INCLUDEPATH + = C: /Qt/Qt5/5.0.1/Src/qt/bt /5k0kl/srk/ktbase/srk/3rdparty/ Zlib "" lib + = - luck: /kt/kt5/5k0kl/srk/ktbase/srk/3rdparty/zlib-lz "Mingv32-make   

I have a complete explanation in the blog if you want to see it:

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