Friday 15 May 2015

api - Does this simple paypal solution allow credit card transactions and Negative Testing? -

I'm so confused about the services and the PayPal website is also serving 400 and 404.

This way webpage customers see on my site when they are ready to pay:

 Enter image details here

As far as I know, I do not have an express checkout, but I'm not sure I have a website payment pro (My company has made it account).

Now I have two questions:

1- This is just a sandbox but on the real site, is there a solution that users pay by credit card Gives an opportunity to do? I have actually done a credit card transaction successfully in the sandbox, I am just concerned because I have heard that customers can make direct credit card transactions in PayPal Website Payments Pro directly. PayPal's website is overloaded with information and I can not find my way around to answer such simple questions.

2- Is it possible to conduct a negative test for a transaction on this page? Simply follow such incidents as if there is not enough balance in the user's credit card or PayPal account? If this is possible, and I am using the Button Manager API, then what is the right technique to go about it?

I put an error code in the amount that the IPN is included in the form of an NVP API call, in this way (in the middle of the couple added valuable pairs irrelevant):

  $ nvpReq = "BUTTONCODE = HOSTED & ...... ........ AND L_BUTTONVAR1 = Zodiac =". $ Err_code   


It seems that I have paypal website payment standard, which means i can not be included directly on my website credit card Payment form can not be done, but customers must direct PayPal. I am fine with that, as long as the customer has the option to pay with a credit card

The screenshot looks like PayPal standard, which is an HTML-only (non-API) integration.

Any regular business account that can receive money can use Express Checkout APIs. Usually by authentication with API user / PWD / signature. For businesses with programming / development resources, EP is the preferred method of accepting paypal payments so far.

If you pass SOLUTIONTYPE = the only one in the initial setexpressout call, then it will accept credit card from "guest" customers. You do not have a PayPal account similar to standard screenshots shown above.

The main reason for choosing an election on the standard is that it is a very handy hand joining between your checkout software and Paypal server, with the HTML of the standard, the customer is sent away from your site and Can not be returned to your site successfully after transaction (they can stay at and do not click to return or their browser may crash before returning --- While EC With built before touching the back of the financial system back to your site)

developers with the latest beta. If, all new Sandbox business accounts are full Pro accounts by default, signing up for Live Pro Account will be useful, in addition to accepting PayPal payments, you can create a credit card entry form directly on your own site. Wish.

Here are some EC links for programmers:

  1. Button Manager API for you There is no possibility of being useful and there are several ways to test negative with the sandbox, but whenever you are deciding on a product / API, there is not really an important concern.

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