Friday 15 May 2015

uitextfield - UIKeyboard is not visible after reload a view -

We have a UIViewController for login on our application, the first load works perfectly, but after logout,

When we return to the login page, we find some unexpected problem for version 6.1.

Based on the notification, I configure the event keyboard, keyboard and keyboard handheld, because the keyboard appears outside the screen.

If I print the keyboard's CGRact based on UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey, the behavior is very strange:

The first field: {{inf, inf}, {0}} Second field: { {160, 487}, {0}}

Additionally the interface orientation is always unknown when the problem appears.

keyboard space after


DidDonDigate onDefenseLoad: This code was us:

  self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController; [Self. Window Adsview: self.viewController.view];   

I replace it (removing the first line):

  // iForceViewController view [Add window] Add to view window: viewController .view];   

It is a crappy solution, because we include the first line to solve unexpected behavior on rotation.


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