Friday 15 May 2015

FFMPEG fails to run using exec() or shell_exec() in PHP -

Then I'm working on trying to get the FFMPEG video that is uploaded to my site to encode . The upload script uses exec () to run a script called PHP binary to encode.fp, which looks like this:

  ("Include / "); $ VideoID = $ argv [1]; Executive ("ffmpeg I". $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/ Processing /". $ VIDEOID. ".mp4 -vodec libx264 -vpre Normal -s 1280x720 -r 30 -acodec libfaac". $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]. "/ Video /". $ VideoID. ".mp4"); $ Connect = mysql_connect ($ dbhost, $ dbusername, $ db password); Mysql_select_db ($ dbname, $ connect); $ Query = mysql_query ("Update" video is `STT processing '= 0 where` id` =' $ video id 'range1 ");   

However, nothing on video I have tried to use the full path of FFMPEG, but it also does not work. I know that the script is being executed because the isprocessing in the database is set to 0.

Maybe I am just unknown, but I do not know this. Any help is quite

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