Monday 15 June 2015

CPLEX status code for model solved, Java-API -

I just want to change one model again, if the current model is not optimized, including all its components.

It tried with the following code:

  if (masterProblem.getStatus () == IloCplex.Status.Optimal) {// do something} other {/ / Re-optimize}   

This seems incorrect, because

  masterprroblem.getStatus () == IloCplex.Status.Optimal   

The yield is true, after I added new columns in the model. I want a statement, it is true, iff problem is optimized with all its elements.

However, in the manual, a description of many functions (e.g., IloObjective :: setLinearCoef, IloRange :: SetExpr, etc.) show that

... and makes it an appropriate example of undocumented in the model to notify the algorithm about this change of a removable object in the IloChange

Note: Member Function ... about this change informs about the concert technology algorithm Wish Object

Since IloChange is inappropriate (and the headers do not give any clue) there is no such viable method, but there is a boolean variable that tells the model the final optimization Is modified after (such as bool isThereAnyChangeOnModel = true; ).

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