Thursday 15 April 2010

html - Why aren't my class id tags working? -

Text after

Here is my website:

I have two questions.

The text of 1 sidebar navigation is not black, so I can not understand! It's rather blue color

  #side_wrapper_text A: Link {font-family :. 'Playfair display', sans-serif; Font-size: 32px; Font style: italic; Font-weight: 100; Color: RGBA (255,255,255,1); Text-decoration: None; Text align: right; Letter-distance: 0.2em; }   

2 I want to align the text right at the top of my box, and it does not understand why he does not do it himself. I have no profit line Tried to play with the option of spacing.

  / * Content *************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** ************** Width: 980 pixels; Margin-left: 15px; Margin-top: 45px; } / * The home page photo box *** Height: 400 pixels; Background: RGBA (0,0,255, .5); } / * Text box on home page * / .home_text {display: block; Swim left; Background: RGBA (255,100, 255, .5); Height: 190px; Align text: left; } / * Writing ******************************************************* ; Background: RGBA (50,50,50, .5); Height: 1000px; Align text: left; }   


itemprop = "text">

# 1 For the problem, remove the "RGBA" and the location between the following brackets, i.e. < Code> Color: RGBA (255, 255, 255,1) .

In Chrome 25, it made the color white, black (not expected). If you want to black, just type in color: # 000, or color: rbga (0,0,0,1); Use cause if you want to specify alpha channel for something. # 2 for problem: paragraph & lt; P & gt; In the tag, the default stylesheet is set to zero (or some other value) to modify it's margin of approximately 1em set.


  P {margin: 0; }   

You can also consider using the normalization and resetting behavior in browsers in many styles defined by the browser's default stylesheet.

Or at least all padding / margins are zero (which fixes many common problems):

  * {padding: 0; Margin: 0; }    

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