Friday 15 May 2015

Align two objects with css position:absolute; (without fixed margin-left or left properties) (SOLVED) -

I have the following problem with CSS lines (again qualified). Now the problem is a '& lt; li & gt; Within is the alignment of two objects; .. (from the edge) without using the margin-left, the file goes ahead to Bella, so I'm ready to help :)

The problem encountered  encountered the problem

 Do I need a fixed margin - without left or left properties ...) "> Do I need a fixed margin - without left or left properties ... [here]

  .frdName { Margin-top: -10px; top: 50%; / * margin-left: 65px; * / font-weight: bold; font-family: 'vardana', cursor; font-size: 15px; color: gray; left Swimming; Status: complete;   


If you < Code> margin-left you status :

In your li elements, you want to follow the CSS rules: >

  .contactList> Li (Status: Relative;}. Contact List & gt; Le & gt; Duration: nth-child (2) {status: absolute; Left: value; / * (Like 70px) * /}   

I put the term : nth-child (2) because your HTML code will have your second duration The element is always the text.


Cheers, Leo

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