Friday 15 May 2015

php - Spellchecker is not working in tinymce 4.0 (Non JSON response) -

I'm trying to use the spell-checker for TinyMCE 4.0, but it gives an error:

  Non-JSON Feedback: & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; B & gt; Warning & lt; / B & gt;: call_user_func_array () [& lt; A href = '' & gt; & lt; / A & gt]]: The first argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'PSP shell: spell check' & lt; B & gt; /home/www/< / B & gt; Was given in. On the line & lt; B & gt; 98 & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt;    

I use that code is:

  // javascript: { "id": null, "result": null, "error" Tinymce.init ({selector: "text", theme: "modern" language: 'es', Menubr: false, height: 400, Otorisijh_minehit 400 Plugins: [ "Aevlist AutoLink lists links image Memoram HR" , "Searchable wordcount visualchars fullscreen", "insertdatetime table ContextMenu directionality" "template textcolor autoresize spell-checker"], toolbar: "return again | styleselect | bold italic graphs Raikthru | Alignleft Aligncenter Alignright Alignjustify | Bullist Numlist Outdent indent | ForeColor Backcolor | subscript superscript | removeformat blockquote | Charmap Inserttime | Link image | table h | searchreplace | fullscreen spell-checker ", image_advtab: True, spellchecker_languages:" + English = hi ", spellchecker_rpc_url: 'plugins / TinyMCE / plugins / spellchecker / rpc.php'}); Plugin PHP Spell-Vertical ()  


I think you are trying to fix connection problems with Google, to see that How is it not integrated, anyone is able to use spell-checker in TinyMCE 4.0? Or do they know about any tutorial for integrating TinyMCE 4.0 to Spellchecker?

Good, thanks! : D

Try passing the first argument for such call_user_func_array:

  call_user_func_array (Arrays ("PSpellShell", "spellcheck"), $ argument);    

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