Friday 15 May 2015

PowerShell hex to string conversion -

The string or ASCII needs help to convert all the hex letters contained in the text file. Hex characters appear in a standard format

user1 domain1 7374726f6e6770617373776f7264403130
user2 domain2 7374726f6e6770617373776f7264403120

should show this after conversion

user1 domain1 strongpassword @ 10


Code> go-content file.txt | ($ I = 0; $ i -lt $ pass.length; $ i + = 2) {$ $ $} for $ {$ character $ {int]] $ {$ user, $ domain, $ pass = $ _ Split () $ pass = :: parse ($ pass.substring ($ i, 2), 'hexnumber')} $ user, $ domain, (include $ - $ pass) -Join ''} < / Pre>

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