Thursday 15 April 2010 mvc 3 - Extjs remoteSorting in grid -

I have a gore problem with remote sorting, when I'm trying to turn it on, when I do not do it trim I can sort it, but not all the data from the base in the display data in the grid only.

Anyone seeing any problem? Please note that its important

  var contact = ([{name: 'ID', mapping: 'id'}, {name: 'name', mapping: 'name '}, {Name:' last name ', mapping:' lastname '}]) var store = new ({remoteSort: true, proxy: new ({url:' ../ ../Users/Info ', Datatype:' Jason ', Method:' GET ', Header: {"Content-Type": "Application / Jason; Charset = UTF-8"}}), Reader: New Extension Data JsonReader (new name): JSON reader ({coded: wrong, listed: true, writeAllFields: true})}); }    

When remote sorting is on, you can specify all sorting responsibilities in the server-side app Which is controlling the return of data to your grid. This is an important point of understanding, since the grid shop does not really know anything about the sorting position, when the rimotort is turned on.

So if you want remote sorting, then you will be sorting on the side, usually through the SQL query you are using.

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