I am trying to be a fairly easy nested query, but when I combine the following two working questions, The following error is occurring:
Unknown table in the field list 'cm' ErrorNr = 1109 Any thoughts on this Will be appreciated. While discussing the table, but there is no segment or where there is any. Basically you select But you do not need to join table cm interiors from a My guess is what you are trying to do is:
as cm`.`cans_id` `cans_id`,` `cm`.`cans_date` cans_date`, as the` cm`.`begintfin` select `` begIntFin`, `` as CAN_ID` as c`.`cans_id`, `` c`.`q001` q001`, `` c`.`q002` q002`, `` c` In the form of `` q093` q093 as `` `` c```q094` q094`````````````````````````, (in the form of counting (0) ) `` cans2notes` from `as well as nt` Hon` cans2meta`` `on cm` cm`.`cans_id` =` `` on c`.`cans_id` = `cm`.`cans_id` WHERE (` Nt`. `Cans_id c` cans2surveys` join nt`.` Cans_id`` `` `` `` `` `` `
col, col, col, col, (Selectable from counting (*) sometable)
table C. on CM.ID = C.OTHER_ID
`` cans_id`` cm as as `.`cans_id`,` cm`.`cans_date` `cans_date`,` `begIntFin` as cm`.`begintfin`,` `c`.`cans_id` CAN_ID`,` In the form of `c`.`q001` q001`,` `q```````2`` as` q002`, `q093`,` `c`.`q094` q094`,` `c`.`mru` mru2`,` count (*) `count '' both as involved as c`.`q093`` `` `` cm` cans2meta` on cans2notes` in nt` cm`.`cans_id` = `` `on c`.`cans_id` =` cm`.` where C` Cans2surveys` Join nt`.`cans_id`` cans_id` ( `nt`.`cans_id` =` c `.````````````````````````````````` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `Can_id`,` c``` q q 001`, `c`.`q002`,` c`.`q093`, `c`.`q094`,` c`.mru`;
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