Tuesday 15 May 2012

main - iOS - global variable to measure launch time -

In the main function of my app, type me the current CFAbsoluteTime , so that I get it from applicationDidFinishLaunching < / Code> in the current time so that I can measure the launch time. My question is, will I include this code in the following code, and where will I place the global variable?

  int main (int argc, char * argv []) {@autoreleasepool {refund UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, zero, NSStringFromClass ([AppDelegate class])); }}    

There is no such answer as a suggestion ... did you try Is it putting a line right above the return? Some {@autoreleasepool {timevariable = [CFAbsoluteTime currentTime] in the lines of

  int main (int argc, char * argv []); // whatever function call returned, UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, zero, NSStringFromClass ([AppDelegate class])); }}   

or even by using only NSLog and then subtracting yourself

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