Tuesday 15 May 2012

version control - How can I do a `git push` simultaneously to 2 different remotes? -

My question will be the best answer from a discussion of different ways to maintain a pair of remote questions, after which Will be considered as 'general deviation'. To that point, I want to push both Lakers and Celtics from a single official source.

Is there a simple syntax that can make it easy in each commute, or is it worth some sort of own process file? Will this be an application for the hook, and if so, how do I create and manage it (level of expansion is up to you, I'm just looking for clues).

When every authentication of the remote changes, I would like to entertain the perceptions of changes which can affect me, because my account changes and they accidentally generated a different key with intent to inform Email me, but enter the account changes in the first message and post the key-change message until I've pushed it already. In simple words, how is the fact that the retitudes are administered by others, which complicate my plan to keep the initial development equal?

I do not want to pay too much attention, so you can contribute to each of you, whatever my question you feel is that your part will not take much time.

As mentioned in the answer, you can set multiple url for remote settings: < / P>

  [remote "parent"] url = git@github.com: Lakers / Lakers. Git url = git@github.com: Celtics / Celtics.GT   

You use git config --local --edit

You can then

  Git Push Original Master   

To push both the repository.

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