Sunday 15 February 2015

Android set Tag, findViewWithTag -

I'm trying to find an image view by tag. I assign a tag to ImageView, but when I try to find ViewWithTag, it gives this blank space. I have read that I should add the child to the adapter, but the view does not have this function. Can anyone tell me how can I do this?

  Imejiwu principal = (Imejwu) searching for Vivibiaiaidi (RID. In principal.setTag ( "Prime");   

Other Class (async task) I I have references

  View noMiembros = new scene (reference); ImageView er = (ImageView) noMiembros.findViewWithTag ( "principal"); er.setImageBitmap (result); an activity AsyncTask pass and just use:  

Imejiwu principal = ( Imageview) passed. Activate Kfindwubiaiaidi (Arkaidikimian_homeji);

or go Inflater context like this:

  Leautinfletr inflater = layout Inflaterkfrom (reference); align = inflater.inflate (R.layout.your_viw_that_contains_that_image, parents, check false); ImageView principal = (ImageView) row.findViewById (; // or tags principal = (ImageView) row.findViewWithTag ( "principal ");   

Good luck.

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