Sunday 15 February 2015

AngularJS and ng-grid - auto save data to the server after a cell was changed -

My use case is very simple A user, after editing a cell (enableCellEdit: true), the data is " "On the server (on cell blur) I tried different methods but none of them is working properly. I have a minimum grid:

  // ng-grid $ scope.gridOptions = {data: 'question', enable cell selection: correct, selected items: $ scope.selectedRow, multiSelect: False, columnDefs: [field: 'id', display name: 'id'}, {field: 'name', display_name: 'name'}, {field: 'answer [1] .valuePercent', displayName: 'rural' Enabled: edit: true}]};   

For example, I tried to see the data model sent to the grid. But by doing this I will not return the edited cell:

  $ scope $ Watch ('myData', function (foo) {// myModel. Update ()} is true);   

I tried to bellow with the "ngGridEventData" data event but editing the cell

  $ scope $ ('NgGridEventData' function (E, GridID) {// myModel. Update ()}); Finally, I tried a cell for the supervisor. However, it works only for one line by the mean of the grid's "selectedCell" property:  
  $ scope.selectedRow = []; $ Scope.gridOptions = {selectedItems: $ scope.selectedRow,} $ scope $ Watch ('selectedRow', function (foo) {console.log (foo)}, true);   

Is it necessary? I can not believe that this is nothing from the box.

Do you have an indicator / snippet that I can save myself / send to the server? Perhaps this is new, but the NG-Grid actually publishes events that make a simple change on the basis.

Event reference:

Example code (add to the controller where you set up the grid):

 < Code> $ scope. Find the underlying data / changes that force $ On ('ngGridEventEndCellEdit', function (evt) {console.log (evt.targetScope.row.entity); // line, and send the unit to the server});   

One thing to note is that even if no changes have been made, the event will trigger, so you can check the changes even before sending the server (eg. 'NgGridEventStartCellEdit')

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