Sunday 15 March 2015

c# - Azure String was not recognized as a valid DateTime -

Interestingly, the code below works on our on-premise environment, but not in the blue web role.

Someone can point me in the right direction, what I am doing.

We get the date and time as the third party string and the argument is used to parse it below.

  string givenDate = "21/06/2013"; String the time = "7:35 pm"; Var givenDateTime = DateTime.Parse (given date + "Time given, Culture Info.InvariantCulture);   

The above code throws the exception given below in Azure:

  Exception: System.FormatException Message: The string was not recognized as a valid date time.    

The immutable culture uses US month / day / year format.

The standard format specifier is a custom date and time format st For example, the custom format string, which is given by the property of the short-format Pete Tern of the irreversible culture "MM / dd / yyyy", is defined by the dated format formulas distinguished from a specific culture, which represents ings. ".

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