Sunday 15 March 2015

makefile - GNU make: Circular dependency when VPATH is specified -

Can anyone help me understand why GNU considers "circular dependency" in the following example? If VPAT is not specified and the source file in the current directory is all right then okay.

 $ cat makefile VPATH = src src% .o:% .cpp @echo ECHO: $ @: $ & LT; Lib% .o:% .cpp @echo ECHO: $ @: $ & lt; Dll% .so:% .cpp @echo ECHO: $ @: $ & lt; Lib% .so: lib% .o dll% .so @echo ECHO: $ @: $ & lt; AXA: .exe: src% .o @echo ECHO: $ @: $ & lt; $ Make: circular DLA End lieutenant - ACP dependence has been dropped. ECHO: libA.o: src / A.cpp ECHO: ECHO: libA.o ECHO: srcA.o: src / A.cpp ECHO: AXA: src AO  < / Pre> 

Thanks, Alex

It seems, in version 3.82.

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