Sunday 15 March 2015

jsf - primefaces component (P:layout) not working at all -

I'm trying to use primetime showcase examples but the layout is not displayed at all!

I already had a problem related to my problem (correct name, theory) ... but nothing worked for me.

In my pom file, I see jsf-API: 2.0 (provided) and primus: 3.5

My layout.xhtml looks like this:

  & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" xmlns: f = "" xmlns: H = "http: // Java / Jsf / html "xmlns: ui =" "xmlns: p =" "& gt; & Lt; H: top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Title & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / H: top & gt; & Lt; A: Body & gt; & Lt; P: layout fullpage = "true" & gt; & Lt; P: layout title status = "answer" size = "100" heading = "top" resizable = "true" closeable = "true" collapsible = "true" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "top unit content." / & Gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; P: layoutAnnit status = "south" size = "100" header = "lower" resizable = "true" closeable = "true" collapsible = "true" & gt; & Lt; H: OutputText value = "South unit content." / & Gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; P: layout positioned position = "west" size = "200" heading = "left" resizable = "true" closeable = "true" collapsible = "true" & gt; & Lt; H: form & gt; & Lt ;! - ..... - & gt; & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; P: layout united state = "pre" size = "200" header = "true" resizable = "true" closeable = "true" collapsible = "true" effect = "drop"> & Lt; H: output text value = "right unit content." / & Gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; P: layout permission status = "center" & gt; & Lt; Ui: Insert name = "content" & gt; Keep default content here, if any. & Lt; / UI: insert & gt; & Lt; / P: layoutUnit & gt; & Lt; / P: layout & gt; & Lt; / H: Body & gt;   

And the page that I see Xhtml looks like this:

  & lt; Iui: composition template = "/ templates /layout.xhtml" xmlns = "" xmlns: f = " "Xmlns: h =" http: // "xmlns: ui =" "" xmlns: p = "http: // primefaces. Org / ui "& gt; & Lt; Ui: Define name = "content" & gt; & Lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; P: Command Button Value = "View" icon = "ui-icon-extlink" action listener = "# {dialogBean.viewCars ()}" /> & Lt; P: command button value = "option" icon = "ui-icon-extlink" actionoff = "# {dialogBean.viewCarsCustomized ()}" /> & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; / Ui: defined & gt; & Lt; / Ui: Composition & gt;   

I have tried all types of layouts in primaries, no one works for me

Thank you for your help

This is a styling issue.

Download this jar and make sure That this app is available in classpath and the web Make changes to the XML file not "Specify a reference-paragraph for primary files."

Hope this helps

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