Friday 15 May 2015

ajax - apache security is this possible -

I have a third party product on my machine, on which it is built in the webserver.

I have an appetite installed on the same machine and I have my custom webpage, which wants to get some data from third party website using AJAX.

I am having cross domain security problems, because both sites are able to change anything in the same machine to Apache, which can allow my site to speak to other sites through Ajax?

This is a topic I know very little!


If you configure Apache in such a way that both of your Applications and third-party applications are served within the same domain, they can talk to each other. You can use third-party applications for the service of your own application and mod_proxy to serve data from aliases instructions. Can be used.

  & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; Servername Nickname / map "C: \ Program Files \ homeseer \ html" ProxyPass / ThirdPartple Thirdpartyplip ProxySpaceware / ThirdPartple ThirdPartip & lt ; / VirtualHost & gt;   

This will make your app available on and on the third party app at

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