Tuesday, 15 May 2012

android - changing activities with a login screen if login is correct -

My main action is creating a scene vs. another view, if the user is logged in or not. It checks whether a user is logged in or not, if some shared preferences are entered.

In my head, it determines what this code is shown with this code: override Secure Zero on @ Create (Bundle Saved InstantState) {Super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); // Check whether the user is logged in myPrefs = this.getSharedPreferences ("myPrefs", MODE_PRIVATE); String prefName = myPrefs.getString ("user name", blank); String userid = myPrefs.getString ("user id", blank); If (prefName == blank & amp; userID == faucet) {setContentView (R. LayOctact_Login); } Else {setContentView (R.layout.activity_main); }

If I go to login viewer then the user enters their details and if their login is successful, then I will get the normal R. I would like to go back to switching activities in Latex.active_mail.I am having trouble knowing how to do at the end of my async work:

  Public Class ReadLogInJSON AsyncTask & lt; String, zero, string & gt; {Reference C; Public Reedlog Ingestion (reference reference) {c = context; } @ Override protected string doInBackground (string ... arg0) {// TODO auto generated method stub returns Jasonfid (Arg 0 [0]); } Protected Zero PostExecute (string result) {// decode Jason Try Here {JSONObject json = New JSONObject (Results); String position = json.getString ("status"); If (status.equals ("no")) // // toast login failed string message = "login failed"; Toast. Make Text (C, Message, Toast. LNNGHHORAT) Show (); } Else {// Username string user name = json.getString ("userName"); // User ID string UserID = json.getString ("userID"); // Set Priorities Sharing Options Preference = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (c); SharedPreferences.Editor Editor = preferences.edit (); Editor.putString ("username", user name); Editor.putString ("user id", userID); Editor.commit (); // Launch General Activity Intent i = New Intent (C, Main Activity class); I.setClass (c, main activity category); StartActivity (i); }} Hold (exception e) {}} public string readJSONFeed (string url) {stringbiller stringbiller = new stringbilder (); HTTP Client HTTP Client = New DefaultHttpClient (); HttpGet httpGet = New HttpGet (URL); Try {HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute (httpGet); Threaded Positions = Response .getStatusLine (); Int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode (); If (statusCode == 200) {HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity (); InputStream inputstream = entity.getContent (); BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (InputStream)); String line; While ((line = reader.readline ()) = faucet {stringBuilder.append (line); } Inputstream.close (); } Else {Log.d ("JSON", "Failed to download file"); }} Hold (exception e) {log d. ("ReadJSONFeed", E..T.O.Localized Message ()); } Return stringBuilder. Toasting (); }}    

I think your architecture is functionally different from the log-in functionality By doing different activities, namely login activity + welcome activity Before you decide which splash activity to create and use the data shared continuously. In this way you separate the module and call each as needed.

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