Sunday 15 September 2013

entity framework - UnitOfWork - IRepository - STE -

I'm trying to collect a simple 3-level application as the following:

1 - DAL (

2 - BLL (context of DAL)

3 - UI (reference of BLL)

P > I read many articles, so I decided to implement a classic unitoffico-repository pattern, where those repositories are not aware of any self-tracking unit:

  Public Inter ISAPP & ATM; T & gt; {0} Attachment (T Entity) {...}   

Question: If my component will run on winForm context, some UI control some units It can stick to the attribute, so the forward call method to edit the repository, such as (T Entity) will be worthless, my unit is already being tracked by internal object reference, obviously if I'm running on the web context I'm all working well because web pla Tform stateless is a simple trick after every Bielel operation can handle my object Kontetekset, but I want to use this solution. So I'm looking for a more beautiful solution to manage all cases.

Is the IEPOTRETE ignoring anything about SEE? Can BLL be able to simulate a stateless environment for its own internal storage and / or disposal of units?

If you are developing in WinForms, why do you want to simulate stateless platforms? Regarding the repositories and unit-effect patterns, look at those, which are strictly limited to EntityFramework. Forget about the reference in your UI layer, they are independent of the pattern ORM and are there, so you can easily change your DAL and check your application more efficiently.

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