Sunday 15 September 2013

ios - callout accessory not appearing -

I'm trying to add a generic callout accessory for your annotations area, but for some reason it's not showing here is the code:

  - (minus) Setapmap: (PFObject *) site {OTNVenueAnnotation * annotation = [[OTNVenueAnnotation alloc] init]; Annoteshnkkoardinet = Kallokashnkordinte2DMake (Lokeshnkltitude, Lokeshnklongitude); Annotation.title = [[site objectForcae: @ "name"] uppercase string]; Annotation Right = site; UIButton * rightButton = [system with UIButton Button: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; MKPinAnnotationView * customPinView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithNnotation: annotation Re: User: @ "identifier"]; CustomPinView.leftCalloutAccessoryView = rightButton; [Self.mapview add annotation: annotation]; }    

Left callout in delegate method of map view. Try to set non-visible views for example:

  - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView: (MKMapView *) Liavigyapan the Map view view (ID & lt; Mk Anneteshn & gt;) annotation {MKPinAnnotationView * annView = (MKPinAnnotationView *) [Swkmapwu Dekyuvr reusable Anoteshnviveviaidentifayr: @ "identifier"]; UIButton * rightButton = [system with UIButton Button: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; AnnView.leftCalloutAccessoryView = rightButton; AnnView.canShowCallout = Yes; Return annually; }    

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