Sunday 15 September 2013

uinavigationbar - iOS - how to make subviews of a Navigation Bar transparent? -

I have encountered some problems in animating the alphabet of the authentication subview of my navigation bar. Here's the starting stages of the bar:

Enter image details here < P> How far is it here:

Enter image details here

The thing is that I need to make all this "star", "new" and second-round buttons transparent when the search is active (I have to reduce their alpha to zero) in the following ways of the representative Trying to make them transparent Class I:

  - (void) search. Search Bar - (Zero) SearchBarTextDidEndEditing: (UISearchBar *) searchBar - (Zero) Searchbar SearchButtons: (UISearchBar *) searchBar   

I do a lot of code in all of them:

  // Parents are the only indicator of a search representative, which is the parent.navigationController.navigationBar (UIView * someViewToFade). The subviews point to viewing the controller {if (someViewToFade.tag == 88 || someViewToFade.tag == 11) {NSLog ("Some Weve Towf.f. Alpha changes before =% F", some weave Tofed.Alpha); SomeViewToFade.alpha = 0.0; // 1.0, depending on the method}}   

However, I could not get the desired result as follows, although I am getting the right alpha value on that NSLog, the button is not exactly Fade I'm probably doing wrong, have any suggestions on this?

1 Edit:

I think I should add some details of the scene hierarchy in my case. OK, I have UISegmentedConrol, which holds these round buttons and two UIImageViews, the background for the control containing the segment, and the triangle indicator. All these ideas are added to the navigation bar because it is a subview, besides a rectangular view, which keeps the searchbar, and later also added as a subview in the navigation bar, so it is the top view in the hierarchy. Apart from this, I am animating my search by animating the frame of my search (it expands or condenses, when the above phenomena are in the representative). I hope I have given all the necessary information.

It's been a while since I did iOS programming. It's possible that even though you're setting up an alpha, but do not trigger a recruiter [UIView setNeedsDisplay] can help refresh the drawing in the next drawing cycle.

For a reference:

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