Sunday 15 September 2013

How to create dynamical image view with image urls programatically in android -

Can anyone post a source code so that the image can help me in the image creatively on Android Secure vs. Create (Bundle Saved InstantState) {super.onCreate (SavedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Textview label = new text view (this); Label.setText (R.string.my_text_label); Label.setTextSize (20); Label.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL); ImageView Images = New Image View (this); Images.setImageResource (R.drawable.raise); // images.SettleoutPar (new layoutprimm (layout perm. WRAP_CONTENT, layout para. WRAP_CONTENT)); Images.setAdjustViewBounds (true); Images.setScaleType (ScaleType.FIT_XY); Images.setMaxHeight (250); Images.setMaxWidth (250); LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout (this); Ll.setOrientation (LinearLayout.VERTICAL); // ll.setLayoutParams (new layoutprim (layout parama.philagant, layout parama.philpaint)); Ll.setGravity (Gravity.CENTER); Ll.addView (label); Ll.addView (image); SetContentView (LL);

How does my code apply in this dynamic way?



  private arraylists & lt; Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; IMAGE_LIST; Private reference mContext; Private Array List & lt; String & gt; Image_name; Private static final string TAG_Image_Name = "name of your image tag in Jason file"; Public static string url_single_image = "your single image URL string"; Public static string text card_url = "url for your jason file";   

Get all the image URL strings from one Jeremy file in an array list

  public zero getallthumbimages () {image_list = New ArrayList & lt; Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; (); Image_name = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); JSONArray json = getJSONfromURL (general.textcard_url); Try (for {ii = 0; i & lt; json.length (); i ++) {JSONObject c = json.getJSONObject (i); String full_izeb_url = cgst string (TAG_Image_Name); Common.Text_card_name.add (full_Image_Url); Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); Map.put (TAG_Image_Name, full_Image_Url); Image_list.add (map); }} Hold (JasonX Express E) {e.printStackTrace (); }}   

Load single images in an image view

  public view Load_Image_from_Url (int position) {ImageView imageView = New ImageView (mContext); String url_image_string = url_single_image + "/" + image_name.get (status); ImageView .setImageDrawable (LoadImageFromWebOperations (url_image_string)); ImageView.setScaleType (ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP); See return image; }   

Load an image from the web

  public static disk load imagedframe webpages (string url) {try {InputStream = ( InputStream) New URL (url) .getContent (); Drawable d = Drawable.createFromStream (is, "src name"); Return D; } Hold (exception e) {return tap; }}   

Get JasonRere from web URL Public static JSONArray getJSONfromURL (string url) {InputStream = Tap; String result = ""; JSONArray jArray = null; HTTP Client HTTP Client = New DefaultHttpClient (); HttpGet httpget = New HttpGet (url); HttpResponse response = null; Try {feedback = httpclient.execute (httpget); } Catch (Client Protocol E) {// Todo Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } {HttpEntity unit = response. try] (); Is = entity.getContent (); Buffer Reader = Faucet; Reader = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamRadder ("ISO-885 9-1"), 8); Stringbilder sb = new stringbiller (); String line = null; While ((line = reader. Readline ())! = Null () {sb.append (row + "\ n"); } is close(); Result = sb.toString (); JArray = New JSONArray (results); } Grip (Exception E) {// TODO Auto generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } Return Jarre; }

I hope this is what you want ...... Jai Mata Di .....

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